Thursday 11 February 2016

February 2016 Ogdensburg Oddities

Finding Dory, the most shiny and beautiful cereal box I have ever seen.

Sargento Balanced Breaks: Assemble your own snacks and save money!

Dominiex? Eggplant Cutlets: Very greasy

Welch's Fruit & Botanical.  I tried the Cucumber Watermelon one. It was very diluted and the cucumber overwhelms the watermelon.  It does give me a good idea to make my own, though.  The strawberry one was gross. It tasted like diluted grape juice.

Lay's Korean  Barbecue: tastes like hamburgers but a bit sweet.  Gave me an enormous MSG headache that night.

Red Velvet oreos: HORRIBLE.  The applesauce cups and grapefruit cups are great.

Lay's Smoked Gouda & Chive: tastes nothing like smoked gouda.  Mostly onionish.  Ruffles Classic Hot wings: tastes nothing like buffalo wings. It tastes like barbecue chips but a bit spicier.

 Chef Boyardee Chicken Alfredo: Ewwwwwwwww

Welch's 100% juice unfiltered.  The blackberry and the grape seem to taste identical.  At least it was on sale.

I got this at Costco. It is pretty good.

Saturday 6 February 2016

February local items

Soursops were on sale.

I got this Batman cereal at walmart. It was disgusting. Nobody at work wants to eat it.  It is GREASY and very very dusty.

Not memorable?

One time Fernand's wife made something like this so I was excited to see them in Freshco... but the taste was disappointing compared to the home made one.

Got a GIANT flake in my raisin bran.

Two new flavours of KitKat in Superstore.  The mint one was gross (didn't taste like chocolate).  The Cookies & Cream one was OK, only because it tasted like regular, not like white chocolate.

These cookies were a damn ripoff.  The cookies were very small and there were very few in the box.  Stick to Peek Freans!

 I got this chocolate cheese in Farm Boy.  Ennhh not worth the money.  Might as well eat some Philadelphia chocolate cream cheese.

Sprouted peas from Farm Boy

Chocolate chip bread from France.  I got it in Farm Boy.  Not worth the cost.

Hasselback potatoes

 This is take out chicken curry from Nu Caribbean. I noticed this restaurant while driving around during lunch.  The curry was pretty bland but still good.  The lady at the cash is super nice.