Sunday 28 June 2015

June 2015

I got this stuff in Ogdesnburg.  Mike and Ike Cotton Candy flavored candies.  Sure, at first it does taste like cotton candy.. but if you think about it, cotton candy just tastes like sugar anyway (no fruity flavour, etc.).  OK but would not buy again.

Bacon flavoured Pringles.  My coworkers say this is good.  Well it just tastes the same as most other bacon flavoured chips.

Limited Edition Chocolate Strawberry Pop Tarts.  These were pretty gross. Would not buy again.

Thomas' Corn Toast R Cakes.  This corn bread was ok according to me and coworkers.. but it's been unrefrigerated for at least 2 weeks..   Seems hard to finish.  Better throw it out.

Finally I got my Lime Cucumber Gatorade in the mail.  After hearing about it on dawgshed, I had to order a case of 12 big bottles on amazon because I couldn't find any other way to buy some.  I do not mind the taste but I dilute it.  So far I have gotten at least 10-20 people to try it  Only 1 other guy likes it. Most others were too shy to tell me that they hate it.  I would definitely buy it again.

 Sam's Choice Mini Potato Skins Fully Loaded.  These are slightly cheaper than TGIFriday's and just as greasy and delicious.  Would buy again.

Lemon creme Oreo.  Not worthy of the name Oreo.  I heard about them on the dawgshed so I gave them a try.  Yuck.  Tastes like any other cheap lemon biscuit. I had to leave them in the cafeteria for people to take.

Fiber One

I found these Goldenberries in Loblaws and was tricked into buying them.  Turns out that they are like tomatillos without the husk.  Very soapy taste and full of colon shredding seeds.

A bunch of Fiber One products were on sale in Ogdensburg. Here is the first one, Mint Fudge Brownies. It's ok.  I won't fool myself into thinking it's healthy.

Fiber One Streusel Bar. It is OK

Fiber One Double Chocolate soft-baked cookies. Also OK.

battle of the flat breads

At lunch on week days, sometimes we go to Coconut Lagoon restaurant.  One bread they have there is different from those naan breads usually seen in Indian buffets. It tastes more like Pillsbury dough and is very flaky: the paratha.  My colleague mentioned to me that these can be found in the frozen food aisle, so I tried a few.

Spring Home Roti Paratha. It is ok but not as good as the real thing in the restaurant.  They come frozen and you put them in a hot frying pan for 4 minutes.

Shana Plain Naan.  Disgusting. I got it in Loblaws when I couldn't find any parathas.  Do not buy.  I had to throw it out.

Shana Garlic Paratha.  I guess they figure they don't ever need to mention if something has hot pepper flakes in it. Inedible.

Shana Onion Paratha.  I know it's going to be hot.  I am going to just throw it out before eating. I give up.

 ORIGINAL flavour is OK

how to cook: put frozen one on frying pan for 2 minutes each side on medium heat

I got this one from T&T.  The sesame seeds make it worse.  Plain is better.

The worst ones ever. stuck to the pans, flavourless, etc.. I started to think What the heck?  Third world flavour? and I checked the back - made in Pakistan.  Shame on T&T for selling this crappy product.

Handmade Golden Sweet Potato Crepes, also from T&T.  What a disgrace.  Inedible.